Our answers to frequently asked questions
  • In principal, anyone can apply if they are between 20 and 38 years old and are in good health.

  • Please apply by telephone at 00 49 30 301 88 83! 
We will be very happy to arrange an appointment for a test donation. 
At this test appointment, you will fill out a questionnaire and give a preliminary sperm sample. The quality of the first donation will decide whether you are, in principle, suitable as a donor or not.
    Please note that you cannot have ejaculated 3-5 days before the test appointment, to ensure that the sperm quality is as good as possible. 
In addition, you must not have been ill within the last three months or have taken long-term medication.

  • If your initial sample shows satisfactory quality, we will invite you to undertake blood and urine tests. These two tests will be analysed for infectious diseases.
If no infectious diseases are found, you will arrange an appointment with us to sign a contract. During the contract signing, all aspects of the process will once again be made clear to you and you will have the opportunity to ask any questions that remain unanswered. 
After signing the contract, you will arrange your first “proper” donation appointment and start regular sperm donations.

  • You will donate until the employees of Berliner Samenbank GmbH inform you that you have provided sufficient samples. 
As a rule, you will donate until you have provided 100 samples. Depending on the quality on the day of donation, each donation can yield three to six samples, so that 100 sperm samples does not mean 100 donations. Normally, this leads to a donation period lasting between one and two years, where you will participate, as a rule, in one donation appointment per week. 
Please take care that, for each of these donation appointments, a period of abstinence of three to five days must be observed, i.e. the last ejaculation must have been three to five days before the time of the appointment.

  • Yes. If you are accepted into our programme as a donor, you will receive an expense allowance of €80, paid to you in two instalments. 
The first trial appointment is not remunerated.

  • The remuneration is, as a rule, transferred to a bank account that you nominate. 
The amount of €80 is split into two payments. You will receive the first payment, of €35, at the time of your donation. The remaining amount of €45 will be transferred to you as soon as the blood test results prove that the sample is free of infection typically 180 days after your sperm donation.

  • Various groups are able to benefit from sperm donations. 
The Berliner Samenbank provides its sperm samples to heterosexual couples, lesbian couples and single women to help fulfil their wish for a baby.  

  • § Section 10 SaRegG regulates the requirements and the procedure for providing information as follows:

    (1) A person who suspects that he or she has been conceived by heterologous use of semen in medically assisted artificial insemination has a claim against the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices for information from the sperm donor register. After reaching the age of 16, the person may only assert this claim himself/herself. The right to information pursuant to sentence 1 shall continue to exist for the duration of storage, irrespective of the provision of information.

    (3) If a person within the meaning of paragraph 1 applies for information, he or she must submit his or her birth certificate and a copy of his or her identity card to the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices when making the application. If the parents, as legal representatives, assert the right to information for their child who has not yet reached the age of 16, they must submit the birth certificate of this child and copies of their identity cards. If other persons assert the claim as legal representatives, they must also submit proof of legal representative authority.

    Source: https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/saregg/SaRegG.pdf

  • There is no legal limit to the number of children per sperm donor. Berliner Samenbank GmbH, however, tries not to exceed the number of 15 children per sperm donor.

  • No. With the new Sperm Donors Register Law (Samenspenderregistergesetz, or SaRegG), due to come into force on the 01.07.2018, legal paternity on the behalf of the donor is excluded (§ 1600d of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch, BGB)), so that no custody, maintenance or inheritance claims can be made against you. . learn more

  • In principle, the children can contact you as soon as they have asserted their right to know their own parentage in accordance with SaRegG. This makes it possible for the children thus created to contact you. However, there is no right to establish and maintain a relationship. Each contact can be arranged individually. We will be happy to advise you in detail in a personal meeting!

  • No, you cannot contact the children.

Berliner Samenbank GmbH
Friedrichstr. 152
10117 Berlin

Tel  +49 (0)30 – 301 88 83
Fax +49 (0)30 – 30 61 23 48
Mail info@berliner-samenbank.de

Opening hours
Monday – Thursday 9:00 – 18:00
Friday 9:00 – 15:00